Also found in Gaptooth Ridge, mostly in the extreme southern areas near Plainview and the Rio Grande (or whatever they call it in this game), and also in the area including and east-north-east of Silent Stead. umm i have a question for example, if i stabbed a wolf n die everytime i kill at least 1 every time will that let me pass as long as i have 5 wolf pelts n skins ? Reply Report Fizzledark - October 10, 2010 7:34 p.m
Since the game tracks the location of each Stranger Quest after you begin I will only post the starting locations of each quest, and any pre-requisite you may need to begin it. Red Dead Redemption (RDR for short) follows the Grand Theft Auto example by having a large open world with a ton of activities for the player to complete
Red Dead Redemption Cheats, Xbox 360
Use bait if you have difficulty tracking him and when you find him kill him with a gun.Lobo the WolfSearch near the Eastern edge of the Aurora Basin lake, northwest of Tall Trees. Having this outfit will make you a friend in the eyes of the Banditos and Outlaws in Mexico.Unlock Legend of the WestWhen you complete ALL of the challenges; Survivalist, Treasure Hunter, Sharpshooter, and Master Hunter you will be rewarded with increased Dead Eye ability.Unlock Bollard Twins OutfitKill a Bollard Twin gang member and do the required tasks in the Outfit menu
However, I will still give you some text detail on each rank.Find the random treasure hunterFound at the most northern point of the Hanging Rock at the base of the largest boulder.Head to Del Lobo Rock. I hope you do not need it either.Once you have found all the locations, you will have unlocked the following: On the Trail of de Vaca17 (10) Uncover every location on the map in Single Player
Red Dead Redemption (Game) - Giant Bomb
Landon tells Marston that Luisa is deep in the rebel movement (being the so called bride to be of Abraham Reyes, the leader of the rebels) and can help to find his men. While killing every zombie is necessary to finish the wave, players must fill up a kill meter (by killing spawning zombies) before a countdown timer (which starts at three minutes for each wave) reaches zero
I NEED GUNS Infinite ammo : ABUNDANCE IS EVERYWHERE Infinite Dead Eye : I DON'T UNDERSTAND IMNFINITY Infinite Horse Stamina : MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES Invincibility : HE GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK Man in Uniform : I LOVE A MAN IN UNIFORM Play As Jack : OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SON Sharp Dressed Man : DON'T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY Spawn a horse-drawn coach. Glitches Funny Glitch When you get in to black water (or if you use the cheat) the red building across the train station climb up on it turn to your right, and jump from the red building to the next, if done correctly then you should see John trip on to that building
You will need to complete the following objectives to earn the big 100 achievement: Missions (57) Rare Weapons (5) Jobs (5) Player Houses (13) Outfits (9) Gang Hideouts (7) Bounty Locations (20) Mini Games (6) Challenges (8) Strangers (19) Map Locations (94) You can use this thread if you need hints, tips and extra information on completing the requirements. Most achievements are straightforward and easy, however there are a couple that will take a little bit of grinding, a few boosting partners and a little perseverance
Submitted by 2k744ty Red Dead Redemption Glitches Xbox 360, PS3 Skip Skinning Cutscene If you ever want to just skip the ingame skinning sequence just simply park your horse on top of the animal you want to skin and hit "Y" to skin. Submitted by unknown Xbox 360, PS3 Skip loot scenes Entry location: Anywhere near a dead body that has not been lotted Go up running to a dead body that has not been looted and when it says loot (while running) click the loot button PS3 triangle, Xbox Y, and most of the time you skip the loot scenes
Keep an eye out for stragglers (the herd is marked with blue icons on your mini-map, so they're easy to spot) and move them back into the main herd if they go astray. Bonnie's father will leave with the first wild horse, and you and Bonnie will capture another one: repeat the same process you just went through, then let Bonnie ride the wild horse you just roped, and head back to the Ranch
The getaway takes John near Casa Madrugada, and it's finally case of fighting the law and the law losing! Reyes' present to John is blowing the armored car (by planting dynamite on the roof hatch; be careful!) and safecracking. ...or at least the player would think so! Rebeldes stage a final attack by attacking the train's guards and setting it on a collision course with a rigged bridge down the way
Sharpshooter Challenges - Red Dead Redemption Wiki
In the south east of Blackwater, and south of the general store there is a red brick building with a black ladder leading up to the roof that is next to a small unfinished wood frame shed. The player might need to exercise a little patience as waiting for the next lawman to locate, but this is a really easy, low-risk approach to achieving this rank
Red Dead Redemption Cheats for PS3
Since you are activating Dead-Eye, you will automatically reload, but since you do not manually press the reload button, the game doesn't count it as "reloading a weapon" thus completing the challenge. I NEED GUNS Who? (Turn into a Nobody) - HUMILITY BEFORE THE LORD Old School (Sepia Filter) - THE OLD WAYS IS THE BEST WAYS Sharp Dressed Man (Unlock Gentleman's Suit) - DON'T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY Lewis and Clark (Unlock all areas) - YOU GOT YOURSELF A FINE PAIR OF EYES Jack Attack (Change John into Jack) - OH MY SON, MY BLESSED SONBy: Gnome(45) Was this: (-)Bogus or (+)Helpful Prevent people shooting you by having a fight..
Skunk - Red Dead Redemption Wiki
In and around the horse field Northeast of Torquemada, with a running road starting at the two-way crossing at the east of Casa Madrugada and following to Mesa Del Sol and running to the south of the horse field. If the stagecoach is not present then players can get the respawned skunk by going through the general store from the main street to the back of the coach
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