Wednesday 22 July 2015

Gulf oil spill voted top news story of 2010

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Bill Walker said Thursday he will use his executive powers to expand Medicaid to include more low-income Alaskans, bypassing a directive from the Legislature that would forbid such a step

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Market Wrap: Stocks Fall; IBM, United Tech Drag Down Dow by Reuters Jul 21st 2015 4:46PM Stocks fell Tuesday after earnings from tech giants IBM and United Technologies disappointed investors who now await results from Apple and Microsoft. Farewell, FAO Schwarz: Icononic NYC Toy Store's Last Day by The Associated Press Jul 15th 2015 12:22PM FAO Schwarz on Fifth Avenue, probably the best-known toy store in the world, is set to close for good Wednesday night
The record of spills, leaks and water contamination in Pennsylvania -- several of which are tied to Cabot -- has spotlighted the environmental risks of drilling for natural gas across the country, jeopardized development of the massive Marcellus Shale resource deposit, and contributed significantly to actions by both Congress and the U.S. Export to Zotero or EndNote EnCana Buries Hydraulic Fracturing Pit Sludge in Unlined Pit May 14, 2009, DivideWatch , YouTube, (2009) Twenty-three days after EnCana completed hydraulic fracturing operations on the F11E, the liner is removed, some of the sludge is pumped out and the remainder - perhaps 70 barrels or more - is dozed in
The day was dedicated to recognizing the challenges that are plaguing the Gulf Coast and spend time, in prayer, focusing on long-term healing and also to recognizing the need for Congress to respond to this crisis. This nationwide call-in day urges the Senate to pass the RESTORE Act, a bill supported by nine Gulf Coast Senators and designed to ensure that the Clean Water Act penalties collected from BP as a result of the spill are invested in Gulf restoration

Top News Stories from 2010
18: The Senate votes 65 to 31 in favor of repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the Clinton-era military policy that forbids openly gay men and women from serving in the military. The three friends were hiking in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq in July 2009 when they allegedly passed over into Iranian territory and were arrested

Obama biggest recipient of BP cash - Erika Lovley -
5, 2010 - 6:26 AM EST So - while all the global warming alarmists were denigrating those telling the truth about the global warming farce, accusing them of being "tools of big oil" because they were taking a few bucks from the oil companies, it turns out that the most expensive tool in the pocket of big oil was Obama. What's new? He takes their money to get elected, calls some of it,,"ill gotten profits" and then who knows what goes on in the back rooms of the White House?The far Left doesn't think twice about it, after all they have always spent someone else's money, again, Obama is coming up with the biggest donations as are the Dems from corporate interests
Click here for more information on our Free Weekly Intelligence Report The Corps and Engineers and FEMA are quietly critical of the lack of support for quick action after the oil disaster by the Obama White House and the US Coast Guard. If you think a wind turbine over-revving, and tearing itself to pieces is hazardous; how does dealing with gases and fluids at pressures of 40,000 PSI grab you; and with explosive materials at that

Visualizing the BP Oil Spill
The spill actually covers the same area on the map no matter where you place it, what changes is the map itself! Google Maps, and many maps we're used to looking at, use something called "Mercator Projection" in order to draw the spherical surface of the earth onto a flat plane. On July 15, 2010 BP sucesfully stopped the flow of oil from the wellhead, after spilling 190 million gallons of oil into the gulf over a period of 3 months
InsideClimate News also learned that federal and local officials didn't discover until more than a week after the spill that 6B was carrying dilbit, not conventional oil. The next shift took over, aiming to restart 6B as soon as extra power was available so they could clear what they still thought was a bubble from the line
Circuit Court of Appeals voted 7-6 against a rehearing of its 2014 ruling that the company cannot avoid related federal penalties by passing the buck to another company's failed equipment. Set up my free Portfolio Tracker today More Zacks Resources Zacks Rank Home - Evaluate your stocks and use the Zacks Rank to eliminate the losers and keep the winners
Locals blame the oil that pollutes their land and can scarcely believe the contrast with the steps taken by BP and the US government to try to stop the Gulf oil leak and to protect the Louisiana shoreline from pollution. However, two major independent investigations over the past four years suggest that as much is spilled at sea, in the swamps and on land every year as has been lost in the Gulf of Mexico so far
It also skimped on critical testing that could have shown whether explosive gas was getting into the system as it was being cemented, and began removing mud that protected the well before it was sealed with cement plugs. But when Rolling Stone asked MMS whether BP had the required containment equipment on hand, the agency's head of public affairs in the Gulf replied, "I am not clear if MMS has the info that you are requesting." The effect of leaving BP in charge of capping the well, says a scientist involved in the government side of the effort, has been "like a drunk driver getting into a car wreck and then helping the police with the accident investigation." Indeed, the administration has seemed oddly untroubled about leaving the Gulf's fate in the hands of a repeat criminal offender, and uncurious about the crimes that may have been committed leading up to the initial sinking of the rig

BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill - Telegraph
The fall has caused pain not just for BP shareholders, but also for millions of company pension funds and small investors who have money held in tracker funds
There are now 16 New Orleans area government agencies that have accepted settlements arising from claims related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and resulting oil disaster. Louisiana must safeguard BP settlement money for our coast: John Kennedy By Contributing Op-Ed columnist July 21, 2015, 6:08AM Five years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill killed 11 men and contaminated the Gulf of Mexico, BP is ready to settle with the impacted states
Coast Guard C-144 aircraft at the site of the BP Plc Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, U.S., on July 11, 2010. Macondo Blowout The blowout of the Macondo well off the coast of Louisiana in April 2010 killed 11 people aboard the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and spewed oil for almost three months into waters that touch the shores of five states

Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010) - The New York Times
13, 2014 Judge Stanwood Duval Jr of the Eastern District Court of Louisiana orders new trial for former BP engineer Kurt Mix, who was convicted of deleting text messages relevant to an investigation of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill; ruling finds that outside information influenced jury's verdict. 22, 2014 BP says it will ask Supreme Court to decide whether businesses must prove they were directly harmed by 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill to collect payments from a 2012 settlement

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