Wednesday 22 July 2015

How did world war 2 change the status of african americans in american society

Top sites by search query "how did world war 2 change the status of african americans in american society"

2013 -
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Public Policy and Mental Illnesses: Jimmy Carter's Presidential Commission on Mental Health
The twenty commissioners came from diverse backgrounds, and their interests revolved around the mental health of minorities and underserved groups rather than the specific needs of persons with severe and persistent mental illnesses. Bureaucratic rivalries within and between governments; tensions and rivalries within the mental health professions; identity and interest group politics; the difficulties of distinguishing the respective etiological roles of such elements as poverty, racism, stigmatization, and unemployment; and an illusory faith in prevention all influenced the commission's deliberations and subsequent enactment of the short-lived Mental Health Systems Act

Most of you have no idea what Martin Luther King actually did
He was hated, yes, by the most overtly racist whites but also disdained by broad swathes of so-called moderates and even liberals because his nonviolent yet confrontational quest for justice made dramatically evident the fundamental racist lie at the core of American democracy. The Poor People's Campaign was part of his vision, a vital one by his own account, and just as no one should disregard or diminish his real accomplishments in regards to institutional racism, no one should disregard or diminish his very real commitment to peace and general economic justice either
Orthodox American historians to this day justify dropping atom bombs on Japan as a great life-saving technology, as they took a page from Orwell's book. When Rubinstein noted that nothing was proposed or a proposal rejected, such as the ransom of 70,000 Romanian Jews by Nazis, Rubinstein ignored the anti-Semitism that likely fueled the rejection, and instead showed that even if attempted, it would have been futile

Yes, ISIS Burned a Man Alive: White Americans Did the Same Thing to Black People by the Thousands
In late December 1675, soldiers from Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, and Plymouth colonies (with material assistance but no men from Quaker-led RI) surrounded and set fire to an encampment of mostly women, children, and elderly -- both Wampanoag and Narragansett -- in a swampy area in RI. That at least as recently as 1930 we had mobs of literally thousands of white Americans taking part in this kind of barbarity is most definitely worth not forgetting - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order
While pressure from the financial establishment on the political system to keep the banking system dominant is omnipresent, the only possible way to counter it is through political action outside of the ineffectual, controlled "cast a vote once every half decade" system. Why would a man choose to be with a fat, mean, non-cooking, and preoccupied woman? I have noticed even on the dating websites that women somehow think that men will prefer fat over trim and in shape? Women have no mercy on men who are overweight, so why are men under attack for expecting women to keep their weight down? It is another way to ruin the family and heterosexuality to teach women that fat is good and men who do not like this are shallow

The American Economy during World War II
For instance, the Manhattan Project to create an atomic weapon was a direct and massive result of a stunning scientific breakthrough: the creation of a controlled nuclear chain reaction by a team of scientists at the University of Chicago in December 1942. In parallel to but never commensurate with the Army and Navy, a succession of top-level civilian mobilization agencies sought to influence Army and Navy procurement of manufactured goods like tanks, planes, and ships, raw materials like steel and aluminum, and even personnel
fleet sunk or damaged, the Navy raced to recover and repair what it could, and a massive salvage operation returned most of the damaged fleet to service in time to help defeat Japan. The RAF, no longer forced to defend innumerable airfields and defenses, was able to throw all of its firepower at the Luftwaffe, downing Germany's bombers faster than new ones could be supplied
Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA, Memphis, Tennessee - July, 1875 "There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil. The war would be over before the black Confederates could have any effect on the outcome.But what would have happened if Confederate authorities had acted sooner? Could the South have won, after all? Slavery was the main obstacle in gaining foreign recognition, especially after the Emancipation Proclamation had made the North appear to be fighting to bring freedom to the black man

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