Wednesday 22 July 2015

Linq expression of type integer is not queryable

Top sites by search query "linq expression of type integer is not queryable"
This will disable the AJAX functionality with no warning or error message whatsoever, prompting users to check and re-check the prescribed web.config updates and trying other fixes, wasting precious time. Four Horsemen Named CentOS, Gitosis, Capistrano and Git Update: Two hours after this post I discovered that the system clock on the remote server, just recently booked from my reliable hosting company, was off by about eight hours

defmacro - The Nature of Lisp
Since the goal of this article is to give you an understanding of Lisp's principles I will use Blaise for examples (which at the time of this writing is vaporware). This seems especially silly since most of the work is manual: once you figure out the design and develop a template for your typical data access class you don't need to do any thinking

Programming Solution
To check whether a string is palindrome or not, we just need to reverse the string and check whether the reversed string is equal to the original string or not. In that case, we can avoid using the Option (MaxRecursion 0) every time and we will be able to use the table valued function everywhere to generate any integer sequence we need
As you might expect, a database is used as the repository for the data, and (given the correct permissions) this data is available to any number of apps. Such methods belong to that class and need have no connection with any code outside the class (indeed, proper object oriented design often precludes outside connections)
This would be useful if you want to automatically generate a Excel out of any other primative data type collection I provided 1 overloads of this method, that accepts a Path as string to save excel file to location on disk. This can come in handy when a webcontrol has a default class (from the ASP.NET markup) and then needs additional classes based on a condition (like whether or not a user is logged in)

Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition)
All internal parameter entities are well-formed by definition.A consequence of well-formedness in general entities is that the logical and physical structures in an XML document are properly nested; no start-tag, end-tag, empty-element tag, element, comment, processing instruction, character reference, or entity reference can begin in one entity and end in another. By construction, XML documents are conforming SGML documents.XML documents are made up of storage units called entities, which contain either parsed or unparsed data
You have to keep in mind that unit test could handle and resolve a lot of developers problems and improve the quality of your development and your production. Do you know books which talk about Unit Testing? I love books too ! And about Unit Testing you have all you need : The Art of Unit Testing: with Examples in .NET (Roy Osherove) Unit testing, done right, can mean the difference between a failed project and a successful one, between a maintainable code base and a code base that no one dares touch, and between getting home at 2 AM or getting home in time for dinner, even before a release deadline
The actual classes that represent records in the database are generated magically at runtime (hurray for scripting languages) and the files that define the classes only really contain information about relationships between different tables and other code that cant be generated on the fly by accepting the default implementation for everything. This flexible design is really convenient, but comes at the cost of not having straightforward SQL access (sorting, and filtering) to the contents of the field
For those of you who did hop on the LINQ train, I would imagine that a lot of your queries might just start to work a bit quicker once the new compiler comes out. As a programmer I want a more declarative language, and being able to stop writing loops for the trivial cases and start writing declarative queries instead is a great step in the right direction
Once thing thing this enables is the ability to compose queries out of other queries - allowing you to build up things like conditional filtering and ordering. The problem was not in trying to add a property through a separate partial class declaration, but trying to use that additional property in an orderby clause in a LINQ query
The ability to define data model classes that can be independent of the underlying database schema gives you much more agility as you build your application (since you can change the underlying column names without having to update your code). I was wondering if you had thought of providing selections of your blogs as PDF docs for download, so that we could have, for example, this LINQ series of posts all together in one place in chronological order

Database Discussion Boards - CodeProject
Depending on your budget splashing out an a decent SAN solution may help - although SAN technology is beyond my current level of experience, I am just someone who uses it while other people configure it. I think many people still forget that computers have moving parts, they are machines - they are not some sort of quantum flux probability engine that returns results at the speed of light
Play with the code from the tip and you'll see the difference: if in my sample code the IQu inherits from IEn, all is fine, if IQu does not inherit from IEn, the calls are ambiguous. I find it amazing that this simple feature enables the current Linq implementation (no matter whether design purists say that interfaces inheriting from interfaces is bad...)
We can use a looping method, where we have to look at the price value of each object in the list one-by-one and then retrieve the objects that have less value for the Price property. TakeWhile() uses an expression to include the elements in the collection as long as the condition is true and it ignores the other elements in the list

How LINQ works internally? - Stack Overflow
The fact that these exist as data rather than as compiled code means that LINQ providers such as LINQ to SQL can analyze them and convert them into SQL. At their core, they translate expression trees into other query formats, and then construct appropriate objects with the results of executing those out-of-process queries
The anonymous function does not have any intrinsic type associated with it, although implicit conversion is possible for any delegate type as long as the parameters and return type are compatible. Lambda Expressions versus Expression Trees Both a lambda expression for delegates and a lambda expression for an expression tree are compiled, and in both cases the syntax of the expression is verified at compile time with full semantic analysis
The anonymous function does not have any intrinsic type associated with it, although implicit conversion is possible for any delegate type as long as the parameters and return type are compatible. The exception to the parenthesis rule is that if the compiler can infer the data type and there is only a single input parameter, the statement lambda does not require parentheses (see Listing 12.17)
The generic forms are used most often when you write queries directly in the programming language and perform better since we can avoid using reflection to construct instances. However, instead of just posting a full sample here I felt it prudent to go step by step so I can actual dive deep and explain everything that is going on instead of just dumping it all in your lap and letting you find your own way

LINQ: Specified Cast is not valid - Stack Overflow
What it does, it will give you single answer if (t.contentId) exists (which should be an unique key, right?), but if the contentId is not exist in the database, then the Default value will be returned
Given this code, the library function calls (like Where and Select in case of LINQ) can consume that expression tree to analyze the code the user wrote, extracting the intent and turning it into execution in whatever way is right for the task at hand (e.g. Typical sample is the use of expression trees in LINQ where nonsense queries can be written, in a sense they cannot be remoted to the target query language

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