Wednesday 22 July 2015

Maximum column name length in sql server 2008

Top sites by search query "maximum column name length in sql server 2008"

Linchi Shea : SQL Server 2008 Page Compression: Using multiple processors
How do you instruct SQL Server 2008 to take advantage of multiple processors? There exists another rebuild option called MAXDOP, which you can use to inform SQL Server of the max number of processors you want the rebuild to use. The key compression method is called page compression, which uses the following three techniques to reduce the space taken up by duplicates on a page: Row compression

SQL Server Forums - Multiple REPLACE statements on one column
Is there a way to base a replace statement off of another table of values? I'm thinking I could just keep adding values to the table and re-run the statement to continually update the field. Just take a look again.I have a table name newsletter and a coloumn name Catg having the values g0,g1,g2,g3 ....g54.i want to replace the above values of g0 with general, g1 with medical, g2 with social, g3 with science
Keep in mind that searching vast amounts of text may still not be very fast, especially in items over 8000 characters, since these are not stored in the table, but in a separate overflow table similar to the way TEXT and IMAGE operate. I was just hired to clean up a project after a nasty injection attack was performed, and being able to clean out the malicious javascript that had been inserted into the table was made easy via a mechanism like the above
Also, just to be complete, the T-SQL ENCRYPT() functions might be called from outside the database in the application code, or they may not be used at all (e.g

SQL Server Forums - Passing Column names as Parameters
No one using this system will have a technical background, so this was the only way I though this could be possible, with my current knowledge (Bachelor of Science in MIS). I know having an execute command prior to the "('Select min(' + @column + ') from ' + @table)" would work it this were just a stored procedure and not passing it back to a variable in a function but this is a last resort
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Max length of SQL Server instance name? - Stack Overflow
Acceptable letters are those defined by the Unicode Standard 2.0, which includes Latin characters a-z and A-Z, in addition to letter characters from other languages. I have found forum questions and responses (on other, lesser sites) but the values in those responses have ranged from 16 to 128 characters and none provided supporting documentation or links

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