Wednesday 22 July 2015

Multiple insert into table in sql server 2008

Top sites by search query "multiple insert into table in sql server 2008"

SQL Server Forums - Insert Values in multiple table with foreign key
And so on and so forth.I believe there is an efficient way to to do this but i'm not sure how? Could anyone shed me a light on this matter? Your reply would be highly appreciated

SQL Server Forums - Concatenate multiple rows into one column?
I want to create a query that takes the info from the child table (possibly multiple rows) and concatenates it into a single column in the parent table

Combine Multiple Rows into One Row using SQL Server
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And it's not a precise split either as well as for a couple columns, there are conditions on which column to use for that data which will probably result in the use of a CASE statement. Use the merge-command's output clause to retrieve the ID assigned to each newly inserted row and use that to insert the columns E7 to E12 into the second table, which also has an ID column, but here it is not an identity column.A word of warning: if you use the merge command (instead of an insert) against the view that has a merge command in it's instead of trigger, you'll have a server crash (thread will be aborted with a memory dump)

INSERT INTO using SELECT and values, and inserting multiple rows - Microsoft SQL Server
I suggest you post your (fully explained) question (that can potentially include a link to this thread) in a new thread which will be dedicated to answering your problem. However, there are two different ways of specifying where the data should come FROM :SELECT and FROM clauses with other optional clauses just like a standard SELECT query
and INSERT into Table2: OUTPUT inserted.ID, MyTable.D, MyTable.E, MyTable.F INTO Table2 (ID, D, E, F); MERGE, as opposed to the other DML statements, can reference other tables than just inserted and deleted, which is useful for you here. Sorry if it looked like I changed my mind mid question but the idea always ways that if there was a row in one there would be a foreign key in the other
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