Pokemon Dream Radar - Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Wiki Guide - IGN
Past Legends Once you beat Landorous and you have one of the Generation IV games in your game cartridge slot, you can obtain the main legendary of that game. Select "Send Research Data" from the App, ,then use the Nintendo 3DS Link option inside the Unova Link menu at the Main Menu of Pokemon Black 2 or White 2
Pokemon Black 2 Cheats, Nintendo DS
If you don't turn fast enough then your going to fall.The glitch is that your sprite will feel like it's bumping on invisible wall while on a risen walkway. All of these location still work for Pokemon Black and White 2.To find Locations specific to Pokemon Black and White 2 I suggest searching the internet or, if you are familiar with hexadecimal, you should be able to fill in the missing location yourself
For creatures that get it right early on and find themselves perfectly adapted to their environment, the process will always be one of small steps rather than giant leaps. This segues neatly into one of the things that definitely makes Black and White 2 different to previous mid-generation efforts - it has its own storyline, rather than a slight remix of the previous game's plot
Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, how to get All Legendary Pokemon and Gift pokemon
they are level 68.Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf:First Go to The cave of being(on route 20) You will find the 3 legendary pokemon fly off.Uxie: Fly to Nacrene City and walk towards the museum. Speak to one of her assistants after you have defeated the Elite Four, and you will be given a Level 10 Eevee, and guess what, it has its Hidden AbilityDream World Deerling:When you reach the weather institute, one of the scientists there will graciously offer for you to take one of the Deerling with you
UnlockableHow to unlock Challenge ModeDefeat the Elite Four and ChampionBlack TowerDefeat the 5th area in Black TowerRock Peak ChamberDefault UnlockedIron ChamberCapture Regirock Add more "Unlockable Keys" Verify this cheat Report this Submitted by: Sigma on December 01, 2012 Unlockable Wallpapers In this game, you can unlock different types of wallpapers for the PC by completing certain tasks. Verify this Report this Submitted by: Sigma on February 12, 2013 Shiny Gible or Dratini After completing the Black Tower post-Elite Four, you can visit Alder's house in Floccesy Town
3 years ago 0 0 gard2012 answered: I don't know about Reshiram or Kyurem either 3 years ago 0 0 PokemonKing4 answered: Reshiram will be at N's Castle where you will battle him and he will give you the White Stone and then go to Dragonspiral Tower,capture Reshiram there and N will show up and tells you where Kyurem is at. 3 years ago 0 1 gard2012 answered: Wrong, you can get a zoroa from the ex plasma Rood or your rivals sister gives you a hint, once you beat the elite four
answered Dec 23, 2012 by SpacefishFlygon thanks commented Dec 31, 2012 by zoroarks power your welcome! commented Jan 1, 2013 by SpacefishFlygon Please log in or register to add a comment
Can you catch both Reshiram and Zekrom in black or white? - Pokemon Black Version Answers for DS - GameFAQs
4 years ago 3 0 Answers danizk answered: You can trade with other people 4 years ago 0 0 xXxKrucekxXx answered: Listen Reshiram in Pokemon Black it is easy to tell because the main Pokemon is always on the cover case of the game. A divine balanced is disturbed as darkness encroaches upon the world, and four chosen youths are en...Chrono TriggerWhen a newly developed teleportation device malfunctions at the Millennial Fair, young Crono must travel through time..
When you switch over to using these via the Unova Link function, you will then find that they instead have taken residence in the same place you captured Regirock
For example, if you fuse a Level 70 Kyurem and a Level 70 Reshiram, and level Kyurem up to Level 92, when you defuse them, Kyurem will remain Level 92 and Reshiram will still be Level 70
Legendary Pokemon - Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Wiki Guide - IGN
To capture the Regi that's not originally in Black 2 or White 2, transfer over the special Key that was unlocked after capturing Regirock to the other version
You later obtain Zekrom(B2) or Reshiram(W2) after you fight N in Victory Road in his castle(Follow his Zoroark) after defeating the Elite 4 the first time
Most of all, she enjoys attending meetups; having been to two meetups thus far, she feels that they're a blast and she has always left with many happy memories! Her proudest accomplishment on wikiHow has been taking a step further in the world, i.e. Submit Tips First, use 'super effective' moves (and therefore deal double damage) such as Fighting-, Rock-, and Dragon-type moves, After that, use 'not very effective' moves (that consequently deal considerably less damage than other moves and lower it's HP gradually) such as Water-, Grass-, or Electric-type moves
The player - Nate, the male protagonist, or Rosa, the female protagonist - starts in a location southwest in Unova called Aspertia City with Hugh, the player's rival. At the Giant Chasm, Ghetsis orders Kyurem to freeze the player! Thankfully, N and his dragon (Zekrom in Black 2 and Reshiram in White 2) save the player in time
Following the battle at Opelucid Gym, Team Plasma will freeze Opelucid City (along with a portion of the neighboring routes, Route 9 and Route 11), which will last until after the player has defeated the Elite Four. Several tag battles take place throughout the game: one with the other player character, two with Cheren, four with Hugh, one with Bianca, and a daily tag battle with one of either Chili, Cress, or Cilan against the other two brothers
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