the code is corrupt because when u activate the code on the same game it puts 2 mastercodes in, including the one u added, so what u need to do is, make a new game(on xploder) then create the master code and the actual code, hope u sort it out :)Guest on Tue 09 Dec 2014 09:39:11 EST. While searching the Internet one day, I found codes that let you get ANY Pokemon in the game, except possibly BadEGGs, EGGs, ones that are so screwy that the game locks up in the encounter, and blank Hex values
Now it's time for some diving! Locations (Mossdeep City) Magikarp Pelipper Sharpedo Tentacool Wailmer Route 127 and 126 Heal your Pokemon and exit the city by taking the second staircase south of the city
Go to the route and if he said rain the route will be in the sea and sun on land if you end in the sea you will find a diving patch that isnt normaly there and a cave that isnt normaly there if on land the sea one is called marine cave and the land one is called molten cave! In molten cave you will find Groudon and in marine cave you will find Kyogre
Pokemon Emerald Version - Legendary Pokemon FAQ
then put in the words "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" then the mart person says you must know about the mystery gift then save your game and shut it off.then turn it bak on now you have mystery gift dont go to it yet now you still have to get an upgrade from a nintendo even again and the you go to the ship and you have a ticket(i dont know what the ticket is called yet) then you use it and you sail to birth island the island is all a maze deoxys is the triangle then you catch it it is lvl 30. then put in the words "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL" then the mart person says you must know about the mystery gift then save your game and shut it off.then turn it back on now you have mystery gift dont go to it yet now you still have to get an upgrade from a nintendo event again and the you go to the ship and you have a ticket(i dont know what the ticket is called yet) then you use it and you sail to birth island the island is all a maze deoxys is the triangle then you catch it it is lvl 30
Dragon Pulse is useful to take out Dragon-type enemies and for the final move, Solar Beam takes advantage of the perpetual sunlight, doing ridiculous damage, and Thunderbolt provides decent coverage. Regular Groudon is terribly overshadowed by its Primal Form, taking the most damage from Grass Knot and having several weaknesses, while Primal Groudon finds itself weak to the wildly popular Earthquake and Special Attacks in general
Verify this Report this Submitted by: Jakar on April 05, 2008 Deoxys (JAPANESE VERSION) To get Deoxys, put a roselia in the front of your party, and a magneton in the last spot. Battle your rival and be sure to win because if you don't you pay him ,but if you win he will give you money and an "ITEM FINDER"! Verify this Report this Submitted by: Angel Taylor on November 23, 2008 How to get berries 31-35 Talk to the Berry Master's wife, and tell her these codes to get the following berries:31
I found out that Ultra Balls have the most effect when they are asleep at FULL HP! Safari Johto Pokemon If you go to the safari zone before you beat the elite 4 there will be two people in one spot saying that "this part of the safari zone is under construction" but after you beat the elite four go back it will be open and there you can catch pokemon from johto. Repel Are you getting sick of going into grass, water, and caves and can't even take 10 steps without meeting a pokemon that is common or you already caught and can't afford a repel here's your answer
Pokemon Emerald Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes for Game Boy Advance (GBA)
Once you reach the middle of the Braille again, the door will open and the battle with the icy titan will begin when you go through the door and press A next to it. Johto starters When you complete the full 202 Pokemon of Hoenn, Professor Birch will call you on your Pokenav and say that he wants to give you a surprise
Pokemon Emerald :: Legendary Pokemon Guide
Read the Braille message and then make a full lap around the edges of the cave in a clockwise direction (that is, head right and go around the cave, sticking to the wall at all times). KYOGRE Route 105 Near the western island, on the way to the Island Cave (Where Regice is) Immediately south of the Island Cave (Where Regice is) Route 125 Directly east of the Shoal Cave entrance Directly west of the Shoal Cave entrance Route 127 From Mossdeep, head south and take the first eastern path to an island with three Fishermen From Mossdeep, head south and stay close to the east border
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Pokemon Emerald Version Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Game Boy Advance - GameFAQs
It will function as a normal Pokemon - you can view the stats it will have upon hatching, it can level-up by beating Pokemon, it can learn new moves, it can even evolve
While wild Surskit can appear in Emerald, the player needs to mix records with a copy of Ruby or Sapphire in order for Surskit to appear by way of swarming; otherwise, Surskit cannot be legitimately caught without the aid of another game. New Move Tutors added, including most of the ones in FireRed and LeafGreen (all but Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon), along with 15 others that teach moves previously acquired through Generation II TMs
How to Catch Kyogre in Pokemon Emerald: 5 Steps (with Pictures)
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Can you catch rayquaza after elite four? - Pokemon Emerald Version Answers for Game Boy Advance - GameFAQs
I wouldn't suggest ice either since ice is super effective and we don't want it fainting, now do we?And you can catch it before the elite four same with Kyogre and Groudon. 6 years ago 0 0 Gamekidg7 answered: You can catch Rayqaza after the elite four, and before the elite four as well, if Rayquaza has stopped Groudon and Kyogre from fighting in Sootopolis
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire :: Legendaries Guide
But for those who really can't be bothered, here's what to do: Firstly you need two Pokemon: Relicanth which can be found in the underwater seaweed surrounding Sootopolis City and Wailord which can be obtained by fishing up a Wailmer (Route 122) and training it to level 40. From here Surf west, keep toward the bottom of the currents and save here and there if you have to, you are trying to get to the deep patch of water where you can dive
Nothing particularly OP about Primal Kyogre and Groudon anyway so it makes no impact if you can imo .3.! commented Nov 21, 2014 by Sempiternus This has been answered a long time ago... This means that you can literally bring Primal Kyorge, Primal Groudon and Mega Rayquaza into a battle: CONFIRMED: PRIMAL REVERSION does not prevent MEGA EVOLUTION or vice versa
But whatever, it's a Cheat Street article that'll help you kick butt in Pokemon Emerald, check it out! Capturing Kyogre and Groudon Basics The first thing you should know is that catching Groudon and Kyogre isn't easy! You have to be near the end of the game, after Rayquaza has stopped Kyogre and Groudon from battling, and after you've beaten the Elite Four, before you'll have a chance to capture them. Capturing Kyogre and Groudon: Finding Them The second thing you have to do is find them! The scientist at the Weather Institute on Route 119 who gave you the Castform Pokemon knows where they are
i cought my groudon and rayquaza with a great ball and my kyogre with a ultra ball so far in all 3 of my games i have saved the master ball (just never got round to using them)Guest on Sat 06 Dec 2014 10:45:11 EST. The above images can show you the locations of where to find them, since just to be awkward, there are two possible locations of the cave (yes, you're looking for a cave - be it a normal cave or an underwater diving spot in the case of Kyogre) on each Route
Fortunately, Groudon can only use Fire Blast five times before running out of PP for that move, so you can still use Shedinja, as long as you are careful or bring plenty of Revives. Shedinja only has 1 HP, no matter how much you level it up, but Shedinja has the rare ability Wonder Guard, which makes it immune to any attack that isn't supereffective
If the Weather Institute reveals droughts instead of rainfall, you must travel to the drought-ridden route and confront Groudon, Kyogre's counterpart, in Terra Cave. Other People Are Reading How Do You Get Regirock, Registeel and Regice in "Emerald?" "Pokemon Emerald" -- How to Get Jirachi Instructions Defeat the Elite Four at Ever Grande City in eastern Hoenn
Where do you catch Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza in Emerald? - PokeBase Pokemon Answers
Rayquaza is found before the E4 and G and K are after game answered Jan 7, 2013 by Generekt selected Jan 7, 2013 by Bro Ashleys Here Please log in or register to add a comment
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