Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Sql command to find tables in oracle database

Top sites by search query "sql command to find tables in oracle database"
Buying human resources software: The adoption phase In this sixth article of a seven-part series on buying HR software, two experts emphasize the importance of user adoption. Big data projects go beyond IT infrastructure Big data creates a big test for enterprises: finding the right employees who can meld the technology and business needs in a way ..
From within my stored procedure (using SQL Developer) how do I call the .ctl file that will run my data import? reply thatjeffsmith posted 1 year ago I think to invoke an OS program from the database, sqlldr is a client program, then you would need to write a stored java procedure. Similar Posts by Content Area: Excel, import, loader, sqldev 43 comments add yours Uwe Hesse posted 2 years ago Great Info, Jeff! No doubt that many a DBA out there did not know that
In that case, set the buffer size to a larger value, eg.: set serveroutput on size 200000 If you forget to set serveroutput on type SET SERVEROUTPUT ON once you remember, and then EXEC NULL;. When a trigger tries to reference a table that is in state of flux (being changed), it is considered "mutating" and raises an error since Oracle should not return data that has not yet reached its final state
Buying human resources software: The adoption phase In this sixth article of a seven-part series on buying HR software, two experts emphasize the importance of user adoption. Big data projects go beyond IT infrastructure Big data creates a big test for enterprises: finding the right employees who can meld the technology and business needs in a way ..

Oracle SQL
After the current transaction has ended with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK, the first executable SQL statement that you subsequently issue will automatically begin another transaction. Every time you create an index (either explicitly with CREATE INDEX or implicitly with a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY declaration), you should (on the Stanford Oracle) follow the declaration by TABLESPACE INDX
You can see in first query that it listed Ruby as duplicate record even though both Ruby have different phone number because we only performed group by on name. Can you please write something about DB performance tuning as well as its being repetitvely asked to me and am unable to convince a great deal as I havent really worked on such scenarios December 17, 2012 at 8:07 AM Anonymous said..

Oracle Dynamic SQL
Method 3 This method lets your program accept or build a dynamic query, then process it using the PREPARE command with the DECLARE, OPEN, FETCH, and CLOSE cursor commands. Regardless of the value of DBMS, if you use a VARCHAR variable to store the dynamic SQL statement, make sure the length of the VARCHAR is set (or reset) correctly before you execute the PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement
First the good sides of encryption: * you want to hide what the sprocs are doing * you want to minimize the risk of someone changing sprocs on the fly Now to the not so good sides: * It gives you a false impression of security. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your account

Submitting Commands and SQL to the Database
Directly, using SQL Developer Developers use SQL Developer to create and test database schemas and applications, although you can also use it for database administration tasks. The SQL*Plus executable on the local computer is provided by a full Oracle Database installation, an Oracle Client installation, or an Instant Client installation
script the source table and then run the script on destination, where you want to create the table, this will create a table with the same name with all the features of the source table. Tha query will give you properties for that table (columns, keys, values, etc.) I want to pull the same properties from a result set that is not already a table

Migrating a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Oracle Database 11g
The following should be part of your project plan Verify Database Structure Verify Database Security Verify Data Verify Logical Correctness of Views Test Application As a part of the SQL Developer 3.0, there is a simple way to migrate 3rd party databases. Oracle SQL Developer Migration Workbench uses this file as the basis for building a representation of the structure of the source Microsoft SQL Server database

SQL FAQ - Oracle FAQ
COMMIT - save work done SAVEPOINT - identify a point in a transaction to which you can later roll back ROLLBACK - undo the modification I made since the last COMMIT SET TRANSACTION - Change transaction options like isolation level and what rollback segment to use SET ROLE - set the current active roles DML are not auto-commit. If you include the SAMPLE clause within a multi-table or remote query, you will get a parse error or "ORA-30561: SAMPLE option not allowed in statement with multiple table references"

SQL Developer: Moving to an Oracle Database
Also note that when Oracle SQL Developer is connected to an Oracle database, the context menus offer many Data Definition Language (DDL) commands or utilities; the context menus for third-party databases are focused on browsing and migration. Configuring the Environment Before you migrate your third-party database objects, you need to configure your Oracle SQL Developer and Oracle Migration Workbench environment to work with your third-party database(s)
This is not a popular question like when to use truncate and delete or correlated vs noncorrelated subquery which you can expect almost all candidate prepare well but this is quite common if you are working on any database e.g. How to find name of all tables in SQL Server database In last section we have seen SQL query to show names of all tables in MySQL database and now we will see SQL query example for SQL Server database
View 4 Replies View Related Performance Tuning :: Update Columns Of One Table Using Another Table Feb 6, 2011 I am trying to update columns of Table A with the columns of Table B. View 19 Replies View Related Server Administration :: Reorganize A Table And Index After The Deletion Of Records From Table? Feb 7, 2012 We deleted millions of records from a table

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