Wednesday 22 July 2015

Sql server insert comma delimited list into table

Top sites by search query "sql server insert comma delimited list into table"
Now I have to write a query in which if student join multiple courses then then the entire courses name join by that student should display separated with comma with unique student information. 4k 0 0 facebook twitter linkedIn google Plus expand Overview: Sometimes when tables having one to many relationship or many to many relationship we need to create report in which comma separated string along with primary information is needed
Blog Split Function in Sql Server to break Comma-Separated Strings into Table By Prabhu Raja on Sep 01, 2011 Split a String into more then one value by using any delimiters
Then it makes use of the STUFF inbuilt function to replace a part of the main input parameter (which has already been inserted into table) with a zero length string; effectively removing the value before the comma, which has already been extracted from the main input parameter and inserted into the table. For example, ISNULL function is evaluated only once whereas the input values for the COALESCE function can be evaluated multiple times or until it reaches to the first not-NULL value to return

Load Comma Delimited file (csv) in SQL Server
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SQL Function to Split Comma Separated Values and Insert into Table
There are MUCH better methods than stepping through with a string function in a loop.Also, in current versions of SQL Server, you shouldn't be passing a delimited list anyway. It does require a tally or numbers table, but it's wicked fast when you run it against a table of one million rows that has a column that needs to be split

sql - INSERT INTO TABLE from comma separated varchar-list - Stack Overflow
The 256 tables per select seems not to be a limit in this case, i have tested it with 8000 values and it works(although with very poor performance of 11 seconds).Thank you. The below Split function is Table-valued function which would help us splitting comma-separated (or any other delimiter value) string to individual string
My doubt is: How to set environment variables using stored procedures.i did not know how to get those env var values ti t-sql.So,please give me an example to do this.It may be useful for beginners like me.. when I select the data I get is like this 1 2232 eq233 1000 12-12-2011 11:11 39 9.2 text text I want this output to have comma instead of space like 1, 2232, eq233, 1000, 12-12-2011 11:11, 39, 9.2, text text, can some please help
Finally fixed my mind to go with SP with cursor but after seeing this concatenate aggragation mechanism with STUFF in the afore mentioned example which comes in very handy and minimal code pain. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your account
DTS used to be able to handle this perfectly well and so did the Microsoft ISAM Jet driver (importing with SQL Sever 2000, SQL Server 7, MS Access or MS Excel up to v.2007 works). i need to find difference for uniqueID in Hours between two dates(where most of the time two dates can be the same date or different), and am using DATEDIFF function

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