Some fragments in highland breccias date to 4.3 billion years and high resolution photographs suggest some mare flows actually embay young craters and may thus be as young as 1 billion years. Although a certain amount of information was ascertained about the Moon before the space age, this new era has revealed many secrets barely imaginable before that time
The First Lunar Landing
I think we were yawed 13 degrees left; and, consequently, the shadow was not visible to me as it was behind the panel (Neil's window only gives a view from slightly right of forward around to 90 degrees left), but Buzz could see it. The computer will get overloaded five times during the descent and, later, this leads Neil to decide not use the computer for re-targeting the landing site
The fingerprint of LBJ?s hitman Malcolm Wallace was found at the crime scene in the Texas School Depository where Oswald was alleged to have committed the assassination from. But that doesn't stop propagandist authors like Gerald Posner, Vince Bugliosi, John McAdams (internet propagandist) and the mainstream media from ridiculing it, betraying the truth, and shaming the legacy of JFK by trying to defend the Warren Commission's fraudulent lone nut story, which has been discredited and disproven many times over
That huge rock looks like a medium sized one until we have some way to directly judge its size; in this case, by looking at the tiny astronauts next to it. I have read literally dozens of things that ``prove'' the landings were faked, and each one is rather easily shown to be wrong by anyone with experience in such things
Nvidia sinks moon landing hoax using virtual light - CNET
To the conspiracists, it may never have happened -- or didn't happen like NASA said it did -- and oh by the way, we duped the Russians into losing the space race. Tags: Sci-Tech Gaming NASA Nvidia About the author Nick Statt twitter facebook googleplus Nick Statt is a staff reporter for CNET News covering Microsoft, gaming, and technology you sometimes wear
After constructing a moon-landing scene to scale and adjusting the topography to mimic the moon's, the sun-like lamp shining on the uneven surface cast non-parallel shadows on the mini astronaut and imitation moon rocks. If in fact the picture was taken on the moon with the sun as the sole light source, hoax advocates say, the shadows would all fall in a parallel direction, or plane
PHOTOS: 8 Moon-Landing Hoax Myths -- Busted
astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon, many conspiracy theorists still insist the Apollo 11 moon landing was an elaborate hoax. "the video you see where the flag's moving is because the astronaut just placed it there, and the inertia from when they let go kept it moving," said spaceflight historian Roger Launius, of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C
Moon Landing Hoax
Once we are past this point the shuttle can basically cruze on to the moon with little gravity resistance and little to know molecular resistance due to their rareified state
Apollo Moon Photos: a Hoax?
FOX narrator: "In this picture the Sun is directly behind the astronaut, his figure should be a silhouette, yet even the smallest characteristics of his suit are recognizable." A photographic expert then says: "He seems like he's standing in the spotlight. This test simulates the shadow "anomaly" in the Apollo photo and demonstrates that ground slant -- in addition to light source and viewer position -- is an important factor in shadow direction
We told the ALSJ chief editor that we had doubt about the Apollo moon landings but if they were real, only a correct historical archive would be the answer. AwE130 told them that we had doubts about the Apollo moon landings and that if the ALSJ was sure about the landings they would have answers to most of the questions
The Moon Landing Hoax: The Eagle That Never Landed: Dr Steven Thomas: 9781906512477: Books
You will see indisputably, especially clearly in negative as the shadow shows up as stark white, that in the left of the image the shadows are on the right side of the rocks, and on the right side of the image the shadows are indisputably on the left of the rocks. 2010 by Mark o Twain Supports NASA without new evidence It adds nothing to the debate and concludes the landings are more likely to be real, calling sceptics "believers"..
Moon landing hoax - RationalWiki
The descent stage of the LM is visible, as well as the trails of regolith disturbed by the astronauts and the experiment packages they left on the surface. This is easily explained: the take-off time was known in advance and the operators were able to plan ahead, taking into account the signal delay, the camera tilt speed and the angular velocity of the ascent stage
But it is well-traveled territory, with conspiracy theorists having gone over footage, audio files, old NASA photos ad nauseum to "prove" that the Apollo Mission lunar landings were all filmed in a warehouse somewhere either in the desert in the American Southwest or on a stage setting in a hangar at some secret military base (maybe Area 51). prosecutors having declared themselves the supreme arbiters of international football affairs" and said that they had gone too far in launching a corruption probe against FIFA
Second, the helmet is roughly spherical in shape, so we can see around towards the top of it and finally, because of the backpacks, the astronauts tended to lean forward somewhat to balance in the lunar gravity. The Straight Dope The Mad Scientist answers a Moon hoax question This page is a parody of a TMLWF page - or is it? :-) An article from the Floridian inspired by Buzz Aldrin's KO of Bart Sibrel An article by the UPI about Bart Sibrel's character after his attack on Buzz
The Great Moon Hoax - NASA Science
Just as Columbus carried a few hundred natives back to Spain as evidence of his trip to the New World, Apollo astronauts brought 841 pounds of Moon rock home to Earth."Moon rocks are absolutely unique," says Dr. "It would be easier to just go to the Moon and get one," he quipped.And therein lies an original idea: Did NASA go to the Moon to collect props for a staged Moon landing? It's an interesting twist on the conspiracy theory that TV producers might consider for their next episode of the Moon Hoax."I have here in my office a 10-foot high stack of scientific books full of papers about the Apollo Moon rocks," added McKay
How Stanley Kubrick Faked the Apollo Moon Landings
Many sources inside the military industrial complex have related to me that after John Kennedy was shown the flying saucer technology early in his Presidency, he realized that the advances in technology promised by the flying saucers could solve many of the pressing problems of the world. A projector would project the scene onto the Scotchlite screen through a mirror and the light would go through a beam splitter, which would pass the light into the camera
10 Reasons the Moon Landings Could Be a Hoax - Listverse
Conspiracy theorists contend that the sheer levels of radiation would have cooked the astronauts en route to the moon, despite the layers of aluminum coating the interior and exterior of the spaceship. The resemblance is questionable, given the poor quality of the photograph, but the mystery remains as to why something is being suspended in mid-air (or rather lack of air) on the moon
The Apollo Hoax
But this cannot be applied to the Apollo 11 photographs because a duplicate copy of the original Armstrong film has been analyzed and shows that the pictures are all on one continuous roll of film that contains over 100 images. So to what lengths did NASA take to shield the astronauts against the radiation? Its accepted that a minimum of 10 cm width of aluminium would be needed at the very least to keep out radiation
Was The Apollo Moon Landing Fake?
Williams (T-38 accident, October 1967) X-15 pilot Mike Adams (the only X-15 pilot killed in November 1967 during the X-15 flight test program - not a NASA astronaut, but had flown X-15 above 50 miles). NASA worker Thomas Baron Train crash, 1967 shortly after making accusations before Congress about the cause of the Apollo 1 fire, after which he was fired
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