Windows to the Universe
Check out this video from the Little Shop of Physics ...Read moreBrought to you by CMMAPModeling Space Weather Computer models help scientists study all aspects of space weather. Not an Educator Member? Join Today! Check out resources from our Affiliates! American Geophysical Union - AGU GIFT Workshop Professional Development Materials: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 CMMAP American Geosciences Institute Global locations of visitors using this page right now Welcome to Windows to the Universe - your portal to discovery! Explore the wealth of information available here to learn about the Earth and Space sciences and related topics in the humanities including mythology, art, poetry, and more
Normal pronunciation evolution made this word rhyme with kind and rind (Donne rhymes it with mind), but it shifted to a short vowel 18c., probably from influence of windy, where the short vowel is natural. between wind and water the part of a vessel's hull below the water line that is exposed by rolling or by wave action any point particularly susceptible to attack or injury 14
Will the public be able to view high-resolution stereo images of the comet like they now see from Mars Express?Rosetta will provide images with an even higher resolution than those from the HRSC camera on Mars Express. What challenges did Rosetta face during its long trip through the Solar System?Ensuring that the spacecraft could survive the hazards of travelling through deep space for more than 10 years, from the benign environment of near-Earth space to the frigid regions beyond the asteroid belt, was one of the principal challenges of the mission
Explore Activities Learn Launch rockets, build robots, explore your world and beyond! Our projects, toolkit and contests will take you into space without ever leaving Earth
The highly rarefied region above the chromosphere, called the corona, extends millions of kilometers into space but is visible only during a total solar eclipse (left). (Exactly which bodies should be classified as planets and which as "smaller objects" has been the source of some controversy, but in the end it is really only a matter of definition
Be prepared for a long walk! If you build your solar system on a roll of toilet paper, you can make the Sun about .4 inches (10 mm) across and still fit the entire solar system on the roll. I made my first scale model on a roll of teletype paper tape (anyone remember that stuff?) On this 1-inch tape, my Sun was the size of the tape - 1 inch in diameter
What Is The Current Cost Of Solar Panels?
This goes way beyond pollution from fossil fuel generation factor, because it also means returning personal power to people by being able to generate their own electricity and not have to be totally reliant on the whims of the corporate behemoths and their monopolies. Of course to be truly accurate you need to contact your local utility to find out the energy mix of your power source to see how much coal, natural gas or whatever will not have to be burned to provide your electricity (because it will be coming from the solar) and give yourself credit (decrease the subsidy amount per year or month) because of the reduced fuel costs for the utility and the avoided pollution from the power plants
the Outer Planets The inner planets (those planets that orbit close to the sun) are quite different from the outer planets (those planets that orbit far from the sun). They are mostly huge, mostly gaseous, ringed, and have many moons (again, the exception is Pluto, the dwarf planet, which is small, rocky, and has four moons)
The sun is about 26,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is about 80,000 to 120,000 light-years across (and less than 7,000 light-years thick). The Planets The nine planets that orbit the sun are (in order from the Sun): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter (the biggest planet in our Solar System), Saturn (with large, orbiting rings), Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (a dwarf planet or plutoid)
Back to my point...many professional meteorologists feel like we are fighting a losing battle when it comes to national media and social media hype and disinformation. I do encourage you to listen to the opposing point of view in the climate debate, but be sure the person you hear admits they can be wrong, and has no financial interest in the issue
Solar Panels from Wholesale Solar
California Leads the Nation In 2006, California made a major long-term commitment to solar power by passing the California Solar Initiative, a ten-year incentive program with the goal of installing 3,000 megawatts of solar panels on the equivalent of one million rooftops. Vanguard I, the first solar-powered satellite celebrated its 53rd birthday this year, setting mileage records and holding the title of being the oldest artificial satellite still in orbit
Solar System, Solar System Information, Facts, News, Photos -- National Geographic
Search for Other Earths In an astronomical breakthrough, scientists have begun discovering planet after planet circling around distant stars as the search narrows for a world like our own. When Pluto is near the sun, it has a thin atmosphere, but when Pluto travels to the outer regions of its orbit, the atmosphere freezes and collapses to the planet's surface
The Energy Story - Chapter 2: What Is Electricity?
The Latin word, electricus, means to "produce from amber by friction." So, we get our English word electricity from Greek and Latin words that were about amber. But what is electricity? Where does it come from? How does it work? Before we understand all that, we need to know a little bit about atoms and their structure
Voyager - The Interstellar Mission
In August 2012, Voyager 1 made the historic entry into interstellar space, the region between stars, filled with material ejected by the death of nearby stars millions of years ago. If the outside particles show a sudden increase and the inside particles a sudden decrease, and these levels hold steady, the spacecraft are closing in on the edge of interstellar space -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
This logistically complicated experiment is a pathfinder: It is teaching us how to build a whole network of launch sites to monitor Earth's atmosphere on continental scales. Automated software maintained by NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office calculates their orbits, velocity, penetration depth in Earth's atmosphere and many other characteristics
Similar in structure and size to Earth, Venus' thick, toxic atmosphere traps heat in a runaway 'greenhouse effect.' The scorched world has temperatures hot enough to melt lead. Like Earth, Mars has seasons, polar ice caps, volcanoes, canyons and weather, but its atmosphere is too thin for liquid water to exist for long on the surface
Planet Order from the Sun; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune Our knowledge of our solar system is extensive but it is far from complete. Please visit our Astronomy news section which gives news, notes and general observations, we also have an interactive tour of the solar system (loads in a new window) All planets can be seen with a small telescope or binoculars and private observatories continue to provide useful information
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