Wednesday 22 July 2015

Where did the word graham cracker come from

Top sites by search query "where did the word graham cracker come from"
When a user enters a password online in an attempt to log in to some service, the system hashes the password and compares it to the user's stored, pre-hashed password; if the two are an exact match, the user has entered the correct password. This failed until I realized that Hashcat came with no built-in worldlist of any kind (John the Ripper does come with a default 4.1 million entry wordlist); nothing was going to happen unless I went out and found one
The last revelation took place in 1978, allowing blacks to receive the priesthood."To be fair, she noted, a lot of churches held similar beliefs about blacks until the Civil Rights movement. These sins range from drinking alcohol, coffee or tea, or smoking cigarettes, to 'major' sins such as adultery, murder, etc." Johnston said.The punishment, Johnston said, is that you don't get to reach the third heaven, where God dwells."There is no hell (in the Mormon religion)," she said
I began to comprehend something of the awesome range and vigour of place words as they have existed in the numerous languages and dialects of these islands. Each of the nine glossaries is matched with a chapter exploring the work of those writers who have used words exactly and exactingly when describing specific places
You just boot off the CD, enter the shell (bash and tcsh are included), optionally configure networking with the setup tool (say, if you need to transfer password files to the RAM disk), and start using John! The CD-booted system is fully functional, you may even let it go multi-user with virtual consoles and remote shell access. However, if you choose to download the source code instead (for a specific good reason), then please refer to these pages on how to extract John the Ripper source code from the tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives and how to build (compile) it
This website is intended as a source of information for patients.We are a semi rural practice operating from two surgeries 3 miles apart, both of which are fully equipped and patients attend one or the other surgery

Top Religious News From Around the World - Beliefnet News
General William Boykin was forced to retire from his post as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense after a Los Angeles Times reporter recorded him testifying of his Christian faith in churches in Oklahoma and Texas. An extremist group called Boko Haram has killed least 10 Christians, including a youth leader in Maiduguri and a medical student, a pastor and his son in Yobe
(When I get migraine headaches, hundreds of horrible law-firm names scroll through my head: Firkinshaw, Feggerslade, Festergool and Fotch, came to me that way. I could, however, chose the most beautiful, say, Arabic word without influence by the words meaning or the degree to which the meaning matches the sound
Later an assistant to James Hazen, manager of the Cambridgeport bakery, recalled, "The name was taken from the name of the town Newton-a suburb of Boston." When the name was selected for this new product, it reflected a practice--by Mr. Procedure: Once the flour has been strained through a drum sieve or sifted, mix in the confectioners' sugar and the vanilla powder, then sift everything a second time through the drum sieve onto a stiff sheet of paper

Errata Security: Extracting the SuperFish certificate
after 3 years of our marriage my husband suddenly change he was having an affair with a lady outside,i praying for divine intervention the thing became more husband just came home one day he pick up his things and left me and the kids to his mistress outside. They can execute MITM attacks against these vulnerable computers and steal all of the same information, without needing to run any malicious code on the vulnerable PC itself

Conservative Columnists with Political News Commentary, Analysis
Jerry Newcombe: Seven Questions for Abortion Supporters in Light of the Planned Parenthood Scandal Unless youve been in a cave the last few days or you only get your news from the mainstream media, I am sure you are well aware of the Planned Parenthood scandal exposed by a secret videotape. The West needs to connect the dots and trace the proxies or moneymen back to their nations so we can force them to be accountable for financing terrorism

As the World Burns - The New Yorker
Then, suddenly, there was a new problem: Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader, said that he wanted to pass immigration reform before the climate-change bill. He had just one request: include in the climate legislation parts of a bill that Pickens had written, called the Natural Gas Act, a series of tax incentives to encourage the use of natural-gas vehicles and the installation of natural-gas fuelling stations

How to Make Wealth
You can't go to your boss and say, I'd like to start working ten times as hard, so will you please pay me ten times as much? For one thing, the official fiction is that you are already working as hard as you can. And they pretty much all make the same decision: as hard as you possibly can.The other catch is that the payoff is only on average proportionate to your productivity
This is my new go-to recipe for desserts that impress! Reply Creative Culinary says November 30, 2012 at 9:00 am I seriously love nothing more than having someone try a recipe and love it as much as I do. Reply Megan says October 11, 2011 at 2:52 pm Fess up, Barb! You added the Limoncello because you simply cannot make a dessert without booze ;) This is really lovely
Make it seem like life is hopeful, predictable and manageable, like all they have to do is reject a couple of popular books, movies and TV shows, or wear the appropriate uniform, or go to the right seminars and their lives will become easy, joyful and successful, maybe even promise them they will be successful in their careers and wealthy, or that all their diseases will be healed. Often, our Pentecostal brothers and sisters are unjustly blamed because of the relationship that exists between these movements and prosperity teaching

From Fox News to Lindsey Graham: The racist murderer targeted 'Christians', not black Americans
I didn't mean to suggest that I am ready to capitulate and surrender to the fascists but only pointing out that the history of America, especially the last 50 years, that the plutocrats nearly always win. sometimes i tell myself it is just because of the internet and 'smart' phones that give me access to the overload i try to keep up with, and then try not to become overwhelmed
She was a reservoir of advice, a strong-willed woman who proved that when we lose someone we love, when we think that feeling of emptiness will never go away, someone else often steps in or enters our life to fill the void and ease the pain. This is especially helpful when I teach social media sessions; rather than just talk about different social networking tools, I can draw on my reporting to show how other journalists are using these tools and then share related tips

Word - definition of word by The Free Dictionary
(Computer Science) computing a set of bits used to store, transmit, or operate upon an item of information in a computer, such as a program instruction10. (Linguistics) one of the units of speech or writing that native speakers of a language usually regard as the smallest isolable meaningful element of the language, although linguists would analyse these further into morphemes
citizens we have enjoyed the blessings of tremendous freedom, but we have turned so many of these blessings into idols that have replaced You in our hearts. Grant us to know Your truth, for that alone will truly set us free from these idols of sin to which we have become enslaved: FREEDOM OF SPEECH has been replaced with the idols of selfishness, bitterness and cruelty
I just pulled some Molasses Crinkles out of the oven after two days of begging by my 24 yo daughter (who swears I make them better) and am, for the moment, back up on the pedestal. I also subscribe to E-mails from Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray and other good US recipe E-zines and have always meant to find out what exactly graham crackers are as they are included as an ingredient in many recipes
Wow bakerella, you are awesome!! When I read your posts I get so inpired I want to run to my kitchen and start baking! Thanks as always, for sharing such fun ideas! September 6, 2011 01:44 PM 90 brooke said... I was loving the cracker recipe alone, then you whipped out the fondant and these turned into the coolest little bikkies everrr! :) September 6, 2011 11:40 AM 86 barbara gordon said..

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