Wednesday 22 July 2015

Why are north and south poles colder than equator

Top sites by search query "why are north and south poles colder than equator" News
Next hearing for 12-year-old charged with murder scheduled for October A 12-year-old boy charged with first-degree murder may not go before a judge again until this fall. Kearney City Councilman Bob Lammers is running for Nebraska Legislature seat now held by Speaker Hadley Lammers, 60, will seek the District 37 seat now held by Speaker of the Legislature Galen Hadley, who is barred by term limits from seeking re-election

What is the Equator? (with pictures)
Hurricanes also appear never to cross the equator, apparently because the Coriolis force always causes them to veer away to the north or south, depending on the hemisphere. The rainy and dry seasons vary from place to place, with some areas experiencing high to very high rainfall all year round, and others having distinct relatively dry periods
Eric Christian Changes in Earth's Gravitation and Magnetic Field? Where can I find historical daily data on the Earth's gravitation and magnetic field? As far as I know, there is no significant change of Earth's gravitation with time, because this is only a function of the Earth's size and mass, both of which are not changing significantly over time. And as you pointed out correctly, the Sun's gravity is much more powerful than Earth's, and that is because of its much larger mass.However, the effects of gravity on other objects also scale inversely with the square of their distance from each other

Seasons of the Year
Except at the pole, every point would be in the shadow half the time, when on the right of the line AB, and would experience night; the other half it would be in the sunlight, experiencing day. Similarly, in December the water still holds warmth from the summer, and the coldest days are still (on the average--not always! ) a month and a half ahead
Global Position: central and western Alaska; Canada, from the Yukon Territory to Labrador; Eurasia, from northern Europe across all of Siberia to the Pacific Ocean. Our climate system is based on the location of these hot and cold air-mass regions and the atmospheric circulation created by trade winds and westerlies
And surely Argentina is at the same distance from the Sun as the USA! Besides, that the Earth's orbit is an ellipse, not a circle, so that at some times the Earth is closer to the Sun than at others; but this ellipse is very nearly a circle, and the relatively small differences in distance to the Sun cannot account for the changes in temperature. Could it be then that the Earth gets closer to the Sun during Summer, and farther during Winter? This idea seems at first to have some merit, until we remember that the seasons get reversed when we cross the equator: when it is Summer in the northern hemisphere, it is Winter in the southern one, and vice versa
In reality, only 10 percent of the behavior of hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean (where there are the best long-term records) is related to sea surface temperatures. Tanner examines the growing national debt and its dire implications for our future and explains why a looming financial meltdown may be far worse than anyone expects
They live in tropical forests; they're specialized for that kind of habitat." So the monkeys we now know, which live in the warmer and more forested parts of South and Central America, are all the survivors of the cooling planet. "Even the most extreme monkeys don't get to the super high latitudes, so the continent was effectively sealed off."Monkeys can certainly survive in North America
From the print edition: Special report Tweet Submit to reddit View all comments (107) Want more? Subscribe to The Economist and get the week's most relevant news and analysis. For those minded to ignore the risks, it is worth noting that even the more extreme predictions of Arctic warming have been outpaced by what has happened in reality

About geomagnetic reversal and poleshift
Lastly, and rather surprisingly, the oceans, made from conductive salt water, generate a magnetic field as their currents move the water across the surface of the planet. There is a lot of evidence for anthropogenic climate change but it's based on what we know and evidence which seems to support climate change theory for various reasons
However, as the Earth goes around the Sun, this tilt causes a change in angle relative to the Celestial equator, and this is reponsible for the changing altitude of the Sun, and produces the seasons. What is happening to cause this? The answer is that the Earth is spinning on its axis, and this axis remains tilted to its orbital plane, as shown in the figure below: Remember that Polaris does not move--it stays fixed in the same position throughout the year

2012 and the Old Equator
Reply Natural Man says April 29, 2012 at 1:44 pm Is my post about the Chinese civilization so true that you find it necessary to delete it? Let me reiterate, in a nutshell, once again. Satellite photos indicate many ancient canals along the Amazon River, and just recently an ancient canal has been found on the Old Equator near the mouth of the Amazon
Trigonometric functions Originally, the names given to the 6 possible ratios between pairs of sides in a right-angled triangle (sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant). Inclination, orbital--the angle between the orbital plane of a satellite or planet and some reference plane, usually linked to the center of attraction (e.g

Biology for Kids: Trees
We see trees everywhere and we know what they are when we see them, but what is it that really makes a tree, a tree? The first part of the description is fairly easy. Diagram of rings in a young conifer from Fritts, 1976 Other Tree Features Leaves - The leaves on a tree are important for gathering sunlight for photosynthesis

South Pole Flyby - NASA Science
"Studying the polar magnetic field of the sun might give us some clues about the magnetic field of our own planet." Sign up for EXPRESS SCIENCE NEWS delivery2. (For more on this, see Science@NASA's "Cold Peril").To honor the common heritage of exploration, NASA's Science Mission Directorate dedicates its efforts during the Ulysses' South Pole flyby to Roald Amundsen, Robert F

North Pole - National Geographic Education
state of Alaska.The first people verified to have set foot at the North Pole were a research group of geologists and oceanographers from the Soviet Union in 1948. Arctic shrinkage is climate change in the Arctic, including warming temperatures, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet (resulting in more freshwater in the marine environment), and a loss of sea ice

Weather, science answers, the seasons
The sun does rise at the North Pole around the spring equinox in March-- often called the first day of spring -- and sets at the fall equinox in September. (3-6-97) Q: I was wondering what the shortest day of the year is and why it is on that date instead of the date of the winter solstice? A: The table below, which shows sunrise and sunset times, using the 24 hour clock, for Boston later this month answers the first part of your question
Why? If we give the cardinal points the numbers 1 to 4, in the order NSEW, then it is easy to say that in the intermediate pairs the lower number comes first in English, i.e. Lily said, June 7, 2014 @ 1:38 pm I learned "never eat soggy waffles" as a kid (despite that *one* kid who insisted it was "never eat soggy washing machines")
There are no major land masses near by, although the peninsula of South America does come very close, the shape of the Peninsula means there is very little land mass to hold heat or cause changes in weather. email us Why is antarctica so cold? Why is Antarctica the way it is? or how is it that Antarctica is so cold?Antarctica has its features mainly due to its location at the South Pole
hurricaneA hurricane is a powerful, rotating storm that forms over warm oceans near the equator in the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, or the eastern Pacific Ocean. National Hurricane Center The National Hurricane Center is a US government organization that tracks hurricanes in the Atlantic, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and eastern Pacific, and issues advisories about the storms

Celestial Sphere
The intersection of the celestial meridian and the celestial equator (upper case Greek letter Sigma) is down from the zenith by an angle equal to the latitude. Precession causes the celestial poles (the NCP and the SCP) to move in circles around the ecliptic poles (the NEP and SEP), which changes the pole stars
All the arctic ice is on the move and will eventually leave the arctic and melt? In the previous trip (summer) the Skate visited Alfa (a research station placed on an ice flow which was drifting with the currents. Cold Play says: April 27, 2009 at 4:32 am Come on Guys we all know that the conditions prevailing previously was weather not climate? These weather conditions have been going on for millions of years but the underlying trend and past records of Polar bear extinction demonstrate that the climate is changing

Why do airplanes take longer to fly West than East? (Intermediate) - Curious About Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer
resulting in warmer air at the equator than the poles and creating circulation cells (or "Hadley Cells") which consist of warm air rising over the equator and then moving North and South from it and back round. As you move north (or south) from the equator, you are moving closer to the axis of the Earth and so the air which started at the equator and moved north (or south) will be moving faster than the ground it is over (it has the rotation speed of the ground at the equator, not the ground which is is now over)
This first concrete evidence of an immediate seesaw connection also provides a link between the rapid warming in the North Atlantic and the more gradual Antarctic response, and suggests a mechanism potentially driving rapid Northern Hemisphere deglaciation. What the heck could change to cause that to happen?) The polar see-saw (also: Bipolar seesaw) is the phenomenon that temperature changes in the northern and southern hemispheres may be out of phase

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