Wednesday 22 July 2015

Why did jeb bush not run for president

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It may just be that the biggest difference between the moderate Republicans whom conservatives do not support and those they do is this: whether or not a candidate understands that the left is playing hardball. If you are in any way oppose the sickness the democRats and Obama have wreaked upon on our country, Jeb Bush is a sick choice to lead our way out of it
From his earliest days in office, Bush paired his belief that Americans do best when they own their own homes with his conviction that markets do best when left alone. Bush pushed hard to expand home ownership, especially among minority groups, an initiative that dovetailed with both his ambition to expand Republican appeal and the business interests of some of his biggest donors

Jeb Bush: 'I will run to win'
"I think he can carry the whole nation."The nature of the crowd underscored just how important the Hispanic vote is for Republicans as they try re-claim the White House, and for Bush personally, said Susan MacManus, a political science professor at the University of South Florida."You can't underestimate his fluency in Spanish and his ability to connect with Spanish media," MacManus said.As for his speech overall, Bush confronted issues he is likely to face on the campaign trail, MacManus said, from conservative criticism to questions about a "third Bush" seeking the presidency."He was very much on the offensive," she said. Former first lady Barbara Bush, the candidate's mother, appeared to loud applause.Jeb Bush did tweet out a picture of himself speaking on the phone with his father, one of several "backstage" photos he posted on social media.Talking to Dad backstage

Memo To Brain NEVER Vote Jeb Bush for President
Most people at room temperature and more than 3 functioning brain cells remember all too well the damage that the Bush Family has done to America with their Neocon agenda. After Bush 41 was kicked out of office his Secretary of Treasury Nicholas Brady and board member of Amerada Hess (Amerada chairman Thomas Kean was also Chairman of the 9-11 Commission) were busily lining up big deals as fast as they could in what were parts of the USSR
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Jeb Bush Suggests That Hillary Clinton's Only Qualification for President Is Her Husband
But Republicans have already tried to taint Hillary with personal attacks on Bill, just proving how dangerous it is for Republicans to be facing off against a formidable female politician. Very well Jeb, using YOUR logic I guess the only reason why YOU could ever be elected is because of YOUR family! But there is a difference you and your Reich Wingers will NEVER admit...YOU are related to disaster in government and Hillary is related to SUCCESS!!!
And I am convinced that if Reagan were alive today and Gerald Ford were live today, and we were doing a rerun of 1975-1976, Reagan would be trashed all over our favorite cable channel. In Fascist theory, individuals were supposed to be represented by membership organizations officially approved by the Fascist power structure - worker's councils, trade and professional organizations, religious convocations, and profit-making firms
Doctorow's Novels About American History Changed the Future of Fiction The Limits of Gawkerism Has Gawker Decided to Stop Being Gawker? Stop Making Superhero Movies Just for Grown-Ups Drawn + Qquarterly Publishing Transformed Comics. Hillary Clinton hopes to break the ultimate glass ceiling, Senator Bernie Sanders to push the Democratic party to the left, Senator Rand Paul to re-orient the Republicans in a more libertarian direction, Senator Ted Cruz (among many others) to be the new Reagan.No such overarching fusion of personal and political destiny is evident in Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush to release 250,000 email messages: Why he may redefine how Republicans run for the presidency in 2016.
Given this level of candor, though, it will also be a test of the Bush gambit: Will voters and the press read these emails in context, or will they single out a line in the 250,000 messages to define Bush out of all proportion and reason? The political benefit to the release is that Bush gets to remind everyone of his time as governor and write his own story. Senators Introduce Legislation to Protect Your Car From Being Hacked Download This Windows Patch Right Now Drones Keep Getting in the Way of Firefighting in California

Jeb Bush Announces 2016 Presidential Campaign: 'I Will Run To Win' - ABC News
So is opportunity, in this nation where every life matters and everyone has the right to rise." In attendance were members of his family, including wife, Columba, his mother, former first lady Barbara Bush, his children and their spouses, and all of his grandchildren. This state-sponsored community college is the largest campus in the nation, a perfect backdrop for Bush to tout one of his core issues -- education reform
He will headline a Hillsborough County GOP dinner in Tampa on Friday, a sign of how important Bush views his home state, which holds its primary March 15. Hours before the event, dozens of top Bush allies gathered at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, where he maintains an office and frequents the gym, and began making phone calls to donors, beginning a sprint to raise money directly for the campaign
The candidates who are determined to get a fleeting bump from the exercise spend money to bus in supporters and set up lavish tents with free food and entertainment

Why Jeb Bush Can't Bank On Faith Like His Brother Did : It's All Politics : NPR
At the Iowa Straw Poll in the summer of 1999, the future president was cheered when he said, "America's strongest foundation is not found in our wallets. "One thing the Bush campaign was very concerted about was reaching out to the church networks and getting advocates for the candidacy oftentimes outside the gaze of the media or public conversation," said Budzisz

Jeb Bush Officially Running For President - BuzzFeed News
Wednesday marks one year since Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian was imprisoned in Iran, the longest of any Western correspondent held by the Iranian government. The next president needs to make it clear that great charities like the Little Sisters of the Poor need no federal instruction in doing the right thing
But the GOP establishment no longer rules the party as it once did, so the road to the nomination, much less to the White House, is filled with land mines for Bush. Education reform is how Bush tried to make his mark as governor, so what was up with his support for online education? Was it a stealth attack on teachers' unions? An effort to divert public money to private corporations? Or did he simply know he'd one day run for president? Bush is one of the only GOP candidates who backs the controversial Common Core

Jeb Bush Breaks Campaign Finance Laws By Admitting That He's Running For President
I just listened to that and he said I'm running in 2016 but then he said "if I run" and he could easily explain it away and say he plans to run sometime in 2016 and there is no conflict. The link above is to CBS but it was covered all over in March and frequently in major news sources since, about the watchdog groups filing against him and the others and yes, everybody knowing he is cheating

Limbaugh: Why Jeb Bush is really running
I'm running for president' 50-state prayer tour to hit during 2016 campaign Trump pressed on Obama birth doubts Twitter erupts as NYT ignores Ted Cruz bestseller FBI data backs up Trump claims on illegals and crime Another Republican joining White House race Hillary: 'People should and do trust me' Hillary aide: 'We're worried' about Bernie Sanders Jim Webb jumps in White House ring GOP prez candidate 'auditions' for 'Simpsons' Chris Christie launches White House bid John Kasich to announce presidential run Non-politician wins presidential straw poll Bernie Sanders recruited socialists to Congress Recovering Nat Hentoff sounds off on Rand Paul Trump dumped over 'insulting' illegal-alien remarks Bobby Jindal bidding for GOP presidential nomination Huckabee: Faith calms race tensions 'AP is lying' about gun pointed at Cruz's head Rubio tells hecklers: It's lucky you're in U.S. Times mocked for Rubio hit piece Hillary calls for 20 days early voting Hillary stop warns reporters: No questions Jeb Bush, Rick Perry jump in race George Pataki jumps in GOP race Santorum mocks Hillary on campaign website Democrats hope for Cruz, not Bush Rick Santorum set to seek presidency Bernie Sanders calls for 'revolution' 'Impeach Hillary' petition: 'Unfit, beyond vindication' Scandals pile up, but Clinton still appears inevitable Fox host: Hillary 'most corrupt woman' in world Mike Pence shuts door on White House White House hopeful seeks 'free college for all' Hillary 'sold her soul' with 'bribe' from Morocco John Bolton says no to 2016 run Reporter grills Ted Cruz on 'Hispanic-ness' N.Y

Jeb Bush Will 'Actively Explore the Possibility of Running for President' - ABC News
The speech came a day after the former Florida governor told ABC's Miami affiliate WPLG-TV he would not only release an ebook, but also 250,000 of his emails from his time in office. "As a result of these conversations and thoughtful consideration of the kind of strong leadership I think America needs, I have decided to actively explore the possibility of running for President of the United States," he said in a message posted on Facebook today
Ryan, senior council with The Campaign Legal Center, a campaign finance watchdog group that has already filed challenges against four presidential hopefuls for alleged violations of campaign finance law, said Bush's latest flub, however, is just more evidence that Bush is already a candidate. Challengers could file civil complaints with the stalemated Federal Election Commission or a more uncommon practice of filing criminal complaints with the Department of Justice
HANNITY: We'll continue, coming up next tonight, right here on "Hannity." (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BUSH: With North American resources and American ingenuity, we can finally achieve energy security for this nation. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BUSH: This supposedly risk-averse administration is also running us straight in the direction of the greatest risk of all, military inferiority
The shady charter school operator: In 2010, Bush gave the commencement speech for the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow, an Ohio online charter school owned by William Lager, a big GOP donor who has served on Bush's Digital Learning Council, which promotes for-profit online schools like ECOT. The company never moved, but while Bush's father was serving as vice president, Bush lobbied the US Department of Health and Human Services to help Recarey access millions in Medicare funds
Rand Paul, Cheerleader: House Speaker John Boehner has said Jeb Bush would make a good president, and an aide says the Ohioan will 'go to the mat' for the former governorBoehner said Monday during a Texas Chamber of Commerce event that 'Jeb Bush is my friend. but struggles to contain his disgust as he goes back to basics in Australian Outback Kate Bosworth shares tender moment with Hayden Christensen before he dies and is brought back to life in 90 Minutes Of Heaven trailer That's not hiding much! Jordana Brewster wears tiny camouflage mini-skirt as she runs errands in West Hollywood Showed a lot of leg Sound asleep: Doting Aussie model Nicole Trunfio cradles baby Zion as they enjoy a bonding afternoon in New York What a cutie Denise Van Outen displays her fantastic legs in sheer white beach dress in Ibiza..

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