Wednesday 22 July 2015

Why would it be a bad idea to have your tonsils and adenoids removed

Top sites by search query "why would it be a bad idea to have your tonsils and adenoids removed"!
Karl Nishimura, a DDS from Orange County, California states that if the tongue is not going up to the roof of the mouth when a person swallows; the sphenoid bone does not rotate properly and growth hormones are not being released from the pituitary gland. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice
CINDY HELMICK 08.21.10 at 11:36 am I work in a small office and we have black mold due to poor ventilation .The ceiling tile had mold on it and it was removed and replaced. Tracy 04.01.10 at 6:39 pm Amy is there any way to contact you directly? I saw your posts here and on another site and they encouraged me (which says a lot if you knew how discouraged I am)

What Can I Eat When I Have Tonsillitis?
As with any other suspected illness or condition, you should consult your registered medical practitioner as soon as possible if you suspect that you may be suffering from tonsillitis.The Various Stages of What You Can Eat With TonsillitisIt is likely when you are first diagnosed with tonsillitis that your throat will be extremely sore and that swallowing anything at all -- even liquids -- will be painful. Tonsillitis can be bacterial or viral, in the case of it being viral, you can only depend on it to run its course thoroughly.- Water and IcecubesWater is the best thing, always
anyway, that being said, my research provided me with info that proved to be a cure for females with yeast infections and so i applied the same remedy to the nasal passages of my nose. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action

Homeopathic Remedies For Tonsillitis - Enlarged and Infected Tonsil
Reply Dottie says: May 29, 2013 at 11:44 am Hi, my daughter just turned 13 ( very petite for age) she does have enlarged tonsils, and deals with frequent sore throat pain. Vikas, Thank you very much for your advice and explanation, my 4 years son is suffereing from large tonsil, and we have been using last 1 month with Alopathic medicine, but there is no results, and yesterday I am using BELLADONNA RD 30, so I confirm that which is best, BARYTA CARB OR BELLADONNA
I am just really nervous about putting him through an adenoidectomy so young and then wonder what if he is still coughing afterwards? But we see another ENT specialist again on Jan 8th so if it is suggested, I will do it. I have met thousands of children who have chronic cough not because they are sick, but because they were eating a diet or drinking beverages containing too much dairy and sugar, as well as possibly greasy foods and processed foods

Ulcer on tonsil?
I thought I had strap throat, cause I had a bad cold before hand, but was told it wasn't strap but lots of ulcers in my throat area and down the back of my tongue. It hurts to eat, talk and swallow :( I am constantly taking pain killers, gargle with warm, salty water but nothing takes away the pain and I'm pretty miserable and feel like crying
Apparently your body does not digest the lactose in the milk and other dairy products.The calcium particles get stored in the body in areas such as the nostrils and the tonsils. I was worried it could be cholesterol or stone issue cause a friend of mine used to cough up stinky pellets and it turned out she had gallbladder stones
I was just reading that swollen tonsils can be caused by the common cold and other bacterial or viral infections so I think that's what's going on in my case as I've been sick. I also wake up in the middle of the night sometimes because i have been swallowing, and swallowing every second, then i eat a Vitamin C and get a drink of water and that helps

Thanks Reply shumaila says: March 22, 2015 at 9:01 pm Hi, doc My child is 3 years nd 5 months old, doctor hv diagnosed him enlarged adenoids I m afraid about surgery, doc HV prescribed him anti allergy medicines for a month. Regards Rahul Reply loretta says: April 4, 2014 at 9:04 am My 6yr old son has been diagnosed with adenoid hypertrophy and he is having hearing loss alongside I want treatment without surgery Reply sangeeta says: April 4, 2014 at 4:43 pm My 5 yr old daughter is suffring from adenoid hypertrophy with very frequent ent infections with fever
Now I know what they are! I instructed her to see if she could clean it off, her's was worse than mine ever were, but I always cleaned them out at the first sign. Quick follow up question, does anyone hear also suffer from chronic middle ear infections or swimmers ear, I get them about every 4 months, and I am curious if the two are related in anyway? Saturday, July 12, 2008, 4:06 AM I have heard that the two can be connected
My son has thankfully not had to endure the painful ear infections, but i dont want to just do nothing and wait for one! I read posts on mothers who have had the removal surgery as young as 9 months old. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional

Tonsillitis - Treatment - NHS Choices
Any words of advise? Should I change my GP? Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 38353 laurenmarie12 said on 28 May 2013 I'm 18 and had my tonsils out at the PRU in Bromley at the beginning of February. affair ...due last 3 weeks she had infection again 5 days antybiotic ...two days after finish medicine infection get back to her and she had antybiotic again so together are 6 episodes this year but is only july ...what about winter time ...Im big tired ...We doesnt sleep much ...for about 4 years ..always keep an eye on her ...Anyone know if its any other way to remove the tonsils for my daughter?Many thanks for any help Report this content as offensive or unsuitable comment id 39913 Lollybygolly said on 18 June 2013 I have tonsillitis at the moment

Ear Tubes And Adenoids - Circle of Moms
He could hear better and his speach improved within the week! The only problem we had was that the tubes wouldn't fall out on their own so the ENT took them out in the office. Believe me, its scary, I would be lying to say I was just a little bit scared for my baby girl to get hers done, I seriously almost cried when the nurses took her away to surgery
Things got worse from there as the next day I began to develop a rash all over my body so I went to my GP and he said it was common for the rash to develop if I had mono. What treatments work for people with CFS and ME? Thanks Steven Park on August 3rd, 2012 7:05 am Rosemary, Years of chronic mouth breathing causes facial changes that narrows the jaws and makes breathing more difficult during the day and during sleep
Other snoring solutions include tilting the top of a bed upward a few inches, changing sleeping positions (from the back to a side), and not eating a heavy meal (or for an adult, not drinking alcohol) before bedtime. The person is attached to machines that check heart rate, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, eye movement, chest wall movement, and the flow of air through the nose

Should my child have his adenoids removed? -
Then what? Most often, children do very well after the removal, only taking basic amounts of ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce pain for a few days if necessary. My son 4 years old having frequent cold (once in every month) and some times breathing through mouth and snoaring, while go to general pediatric, they does not aware of this instead they gave general medication, but one day he got ear pain that time ENT specialist suggested to check adenoid growth, same confirmed through x-ray, but doctor advised to go for nasal spray application daily and monitor for a month, if it fails then only surgery for adenoid removal

Tonsillectomy Confidential: doctors ignore polio epidemics and high school biology - Boing Boing
We discovered an extreme allergy to dust mites, and lesser seasonal allergies aggravated by chicken waste routinely dumped on the fields here in Oglethorpe County, GA (aka the stinky sewer pit from millions of chickens). A considerable virtue of the naturopath's recommendations was that if they didn't work or had bad effects, you could stop them (e.g., stop taking Vitamin D)

What do tonsils do and why would we take them out?
Then there is chronic tonsillitis, due to tonsils with large crypts full of necrotic, bacteria filled debris for which there is no effective medical treatment. Often these same parents (and especially their grandparents) had had their tonsils out as children and more or less regarded tonsillectomy as something children need, like vaccinations
Tubes could be a great benefit to him, family who are fearful of medicine, while well-meaning, sometimes don't look at the benefits of medical advancements. if he doesnt hear you cause he didnt have his adnoids removed and runs out in front of a car cause you wanted to make your family happy you have to live with that
answers from Greensboro on June 16, 2009 K., I am a mother of three and my oldest child was in the hospital for three days but luckily he did not have any kind of surgery but the whole thought of them being in the hospital is totally scary. My daughter it was more for the snoring and sleep apnea, and my son had sleep apnea also, but he also was getting sick, mostly strept throat or tonsilitis, one year it was about every 6 weeks he would get sick
At her 4 year old appointment her pediatrician told that the tonsils are almost touching each other, But she does not have any symptoms which doctor was refering to. I need to know this ASAP!! What do I have if I have these symptoms: .Sore throat .White film in throat .Thigh-pain .NO fever .Mild tiredness .On the phone,the Dr
For the same reasons you have, I was so worried that I opted to go with only an adenoidectomy; the ENT doc was not happy with my decision but agreed to it. However, remember that dark circles under the eyes and difficult behavior, which you are attributing to possible allergies, are more likely the result of not being well rested because of the sleep apnea

Should You Have Your Tonsils and Adenoids Removed? - Kelly the Kitchen Kop
And I wonder if an herbal supplement aimed at boosting the immune system (such as Wellness Formula by Source Naturals) might help provide an edge as well. I had my tonsils and adenoids removed when I was two years old, and I had a lifetime of chronic respiratory infections, colds, bronchitis, chronic sinus problems, and many other illnesses, until they were cured with real food

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